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15 items found for ""

  • International Spittahz Club | ktng860am

    The hallmark of underground hip hop from UZN, Universal Zulu Union and Zulu Nation. Where MC's flex their vocab skills and performances in a no holds bar morning segment. Weekdays from 5am - 10am (MST) Everything for conscious hip-hop to Stories of Hue and satirical comedy, woven into a fast pace wake up show that's engaging about the world we live in. Motto - (C) Spit or Quit! We challenge every MC to send in their MP3's! Great for new promotions so send yours to, TODAY! Spitahz Idirnáisiúnta CLUB 1 . muidDON'T OWN THE         RIGHTS TO AON VIDEO !! Is iad Vidz  go docht ar son agus ag an bpobal ealaíontóirí a chuirimid chun cinn mar “ceannáin lucht leanúna domhanda”. 2 . Tá gach Ealaíontóir nó Grúpa Vid bunaithe ar Chomhthéacs Lyrical, Soiléire, Patrún, Samhlaíocht, Táirgeadh agus Stíl, Feidhmíocht Céim,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d Láithreacht , agus gan a bheith ag brath ar thuairimí! I bhfocail eile -BE DA MC .! 3 .  NÍL HATERZ -  Léirmheas  is ag teastáil chun TUILLEADH oidhreacht chruthaitheach a spreagadh i gcultúr hip hop! 4.  Faigheann gach duine lámhaigh, is cuma a dteanga dhúchais. 5 . ONLY   tá na 20 is fearr le feiceáil ar anTaispeántas maidne KTNG 7am (mst) Riail an Cluiche! Lyric L Reyy Laochra Saibhir  Thnx brotha' ✊_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-15" is é an Club onórach go 3194-bb3b-151" Splitt-194-194" bb3b-136bad5cf58d_💯 Toisc go dtaitníonn an teideal seó sin go mór liom is dóigh liom bródúil as a bheith le feiceáil.

  • SPIN CYKIL | ktng860am

    This is where the top DJ's from ZULU NATION and UNIVERSAL ZULU NATION bring their craft to celebrate the skills and music played by DJ's world wide!! The party starts every Saturday from 3p - 10p (MST). Our motto: If we spin it, you will dance!! GET INVOLVED 2 EVOLVE!! G. Matthew Hammond AKA: Travelin’ Matt 5/54 Moo 8 Tombon.Samrong Nua Amphur Muangsamutprakarn. Jungwat. Samutprakarn 10270 E-Mail: Facebook: Mixcloud: Instagram: A little introduction… Born: USA Resides: Bangkok Thailand since 2001 Raised: Worldwide by Thai Mother and American Soldier Father (Thai/American Citizen) Occupations: Nightclub Marketing, PR, A&R Social Media Director, Event Management, Brand Management, Talent Coordinator, DJ/MC for nightclubs & corporate events, actor, Radio host, voiceover talent, TV Host, Magazine Writer, Chef Food Truck & Restaraunt owner, university graduate, buddhist monk, world traveler, music lover … ask for CV for exact dates and locations Bangkok Nightclub Employers: Maggie Choo's (DJ/Management) The Nest (DJ)/Management) Tichuca Rooftop Bar (DJ) Bar Scofflaws (DJ) BAR 335 (DJ) Koi restaurant and the Club @Koi (DJ/MC) Koi bar and FTV Lounge (DJ) Marriott Marquis Queen's Park ABar Rooftop (DJ) The Firm Bangkok (DJ) Ce La Vi Nightclub (MC) Ku de ta nightclub (MC) Attitude at Avani Hotel (DJ/ Entertainment manager) 8 on eleven (DJ) Q Bar Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) 12 Years MAD Club Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) Bash Club Bangkok (MC) Bed Supperclub Bangkok (MC) 808 Bangkok RCA (MC) Mystique Club Bangkok (MC) The Club Khao San (MC/DJ) Lava Club Khao San (DJ) CM2 Hip Hop Room (DJ) Ja Guide 420 Club Bangkok (DJ) Bangkok Bars: Bangkok Pool party Juicy Billy's Smokehouse 335 Ma Rum Ba Base Bar Wishbeer The Beer Cap RCA Overground El Mariachi Roots Reggae Bar Bangkok Bar Khao San Immortal Bar G4 Bar Silom Soi 4 Tappas Bar Home Bar Silom Soi 4 Speed Bar Milk Bar Samui Solo Bar Samui Bangkok Radio: UB Online Internet Radio Wave Fm 88 (Weekend Jock) 90.3 DNA (Weekly Personality) 95.5 FMX (Guest DJ) GET 102.5 (Guest DJ) Q Bar Podcast with DJ Octo International gigs The Vibe Myanmar (DJ for Soulja Boy) MCM Vietnam Lush Vietnam Pontoon Cambodia Music Styles Hip Hop, Mashups, Reggae, R&B, Bass, Gogo, Rock, Soul, Old School, Latin and Reggatone, Pop, House, 80s EDM and anything to make a crowd happy... E-Water Radio!! Get ready UZN members! UZN Radio is here!! With several streamix networks on the rise, we intend to be a showcase for the D.J. Whose life-art is the reason we dance, bob our head or wonder why there are no rap-karaoke bars. The Math here is a solution, not a warehouse like Amazon Prime. This is where legends in the game are heard every Saturday from 3pm to 10pm MST (mountain Standard Time - U.S.) Therefore we thank the many around the world who help guide the next generation through history. Check out our schedule weekly to see who's playing our turn it up. We're what free radio for the people should be and not by the limitations of sponsored media. Our mixologist are from many parts of the world and if your new to this, become a member of the UZN Council for free. The benefit - nonstop mix shows you can't get anywhere else, broadcasted from, under the banner of Universal Zulu Nation!! E-Water Radio is one of the funkiest links to music, artist showcases, interviews and way much more. As a network link to, E-Waters' life-art commitment is unparalleled from the West Coast. E-Water Radio is our secondary link, outside the corporate vacuum. (TBA) The Hottest Global Hip-Hop Interviewer & DJ !! Direct from France, the man who not only D.J's a good mash up but also moves the needle! KING FLOW!! We welcome his style, grace and a good reason to hear the interviews of up and coming and legendary hip-hop artist, world wide. Tune in every Saturday and hear the latest convo!! DJ G. MAttew Hammond NYears Party Flyer.jpg EarGasm.jpg G. Mat Hammond.jpg Get in Touch & Chuck us a good set!!! 1+213 925 3589 (LVM) The International Spittahz Club is a hip hop world of culture. From UZN, the U.K., the U.S., South Africa, Japan, China, Senegal, Australia, Bulgaria, Thailand, Germany, Austria, Ireland, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Palestine, Mexico, Cuba, Belgium, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, The Philippines - These Vid-Artist are the criteria for the future!! Hip-Hop has NO BORDERS, NO WALLS, NO RACE. WE are the Voice of the Voiceless! This is UZN Radio Saturday!! Bringing together the future D.J. and Turntablist of styles, is no easy feat. It requires everyone to make the effort in building better. We all may not make it to the top of commercial success but at least we NEVER GAVE UP!! The Top Tier is Loaded like this!! - Hear the FYRE every Saturday (US) that incorporate the world's finest D.J.'s from UZN and beyond!! We always promote and never step on the toes of the future!! IN-House Specialist: These are the cats holdin' it down, every weekend!! Resident Dir. of Global Turn Table Mixes Travelin' Matt For 2 years, he's been the pilot, flying the mothership! Great human being from Thialand!! Resident DIr. of the DanceFloor Boogie!! Adam Flores With a passion for everything danceable in the 80's, there's never a beat he can't flip!! Resident Dir. of the Bully Turn Tables of funk and soul!! The Mighty Danjah Ras If you question what you heard from his decks, then the honor is yours to behold. The sonic beat 'em up!! Resident Contributor of styles and master of the interview!! Read More King Flow With 20 countries ridin', there's no artist he can't interview in the global Hip-Hop culture. Ya'll better recognize!! Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp

  • KTNG 860 | Community Radio staion in Colorado Springs | United States is the voice of the voiceless global community where 750,000 world-wide listeners engage through our multicasting of culture and politics through the KTNG MORNING SHOW!! Tune in from 5am - 6pm (MST) daily!! We also connect with DJ's through SpiNCyKiL every Sat. from 3p - 10p (mst) for DJ mix parties sponsored by Universal Zulu Nation!! The community radio station in colorado springs- Community Radio station in Colorado Springs the community radio staion in colorado springs GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! Baile Faoi Ath-Chlár Cartlann Físe agus Fearas About OM7 Ani-Filmz Paraiméadair Ríomhchlárúcháin Bí i do Thacadóir! Club Spitahz Idirnáisiúnta Services About Blog Search Results More Dignity Dignity Dignity Justice Justice Justice Freedom Freedom Freedom TUNE IN NOW!!! Facebook WhatsApp LinkedIn Conas a chuirim ceist & freagra nua leis? Chun CCanna nua a chur leis lean na céimeanna seo: 1. Cliceáil an cnaipe “Bainistigh CCanna” 2. Ó dheais do shuíomh, is féidir leat do cheisteanna agus freagraí go léir a chur leis, a chur in eagar agus a bhainistiú 3. Ba cheart gach ceist agus freagra a chur le catagóir 4. Sábháil agus foilsigh. An féidir liom íomhá, físeán nó gif a chur isteach i mo CCanna? Tá. Chun meáin a chur leis lean na céimeanna seo: 1. Cuir isteach Socruithe na haipe 2. Cliceáil ar an gcnaipe “Bainistigh CCanna” 3. Roghnaigh an cheist ar mhaith leat meáin a chur léi 4. Agus do fhreagra á chur in eagar cliceáil ar an deilbhín ceamara, físeáin nó GIF 5. Cuir meáin ó do leabharlann leis. Cad é Cuspóir an 50ú Comhairle Domhanda UZN? Oibriú ag leibhéal tacaíochta do chomhaltaí ar ghnóthaí pobail agus ar ghníomhaíocht. Mar bhaill, beidh rochtain ag aon tionscadal spéise a théann chun sochair an phobail i ngach gné de chultúr Hip-Hop ar sheirbhísí tacaíochta a bhaineann leis. Ar fud an Phláinéad Rock, tá go leor caibidlí ealaíontóir/gníomhaí sceite ag Uilíoch Zulu Nation agus is beag duine a dúirt, a bhfuil bainte amach acu ón ealaín féin. Trí mheiteaspás a chur ar fáil le haghaidh mionsaothraithe, comhoibrithe agus éabhlóide laistigh de na heilimintí, is é ár gcreideamh go hiomlán ar an dlí bunúsach de gach duine, in Aontas na Súlúis: Grá, Síocháin, Aontacht agus Spraoi, go bhfanfaidh mar bhunsraith d’iarrachtaí agus caomhnú an ghlúin cultúr HIP-HOP. Cad a chosnaíonn sé? Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní ach an t-am chun difríocht a dhéanamh nó ar a laghad déan iarracht níos deacra ná mar is féidir leat b’fhéidir a shamhlú. Nuair a bhogann an saol, bogaimid go léir, ceart? Nuair a fhágann muid síniú dearfach bíonn brí leis an obair, dóibh siúd a bhfuil meas acu air. De bharr for-rochtana ar an bpobal a bheith ann, tá níos mó ag baint le hip hop ná gluaiseacht mar gheall ar thábhacht na staire. Tagann 2 Dhuais Pulitzer ó thaithí an duine i Hip Hop agus ar fud an domhain, glactar leis. Cad atá romhainn? Tá an eagraíocht ríthábhachtach faoi láthair agus ní féidir linn é a dhéanamh gan gach duine a theacht chuig an mbord chun cabhrú le UZN World 50th Council a dhéanamh níos mó ná branda. Is é an rud is fearr a dhéantar leis an ngluaiseacht ná an méid a rinneamar chun an saol a dhéanamh mar ardaithe san “ealaín bheo”. Má chuirtear gach duine páirteach i bpróiseas na gcainteoirí idirnáisiúnta ina dtíortha peirspictíochta, ní mór cumarsáid ionracais a bheith ann. Chun a bheith maol - hip-Hop atá ann. Nuair a dhéantar ár gcuid oibre a chartlannú, tá sé lárnach chun léargas a fháil ar staidéir chultúir. Mar sin is éard a bheadh i staidéar creidiúnaithe coláiste tuiscint a fháil ar na hathruithe gnó agus sochpholaitiúla laistigh den chultúr. Is féidir é seo a mhúineadh ag leibhéal na scoile ard agus fócas ar fhreagracht ó ghlúin go glúin. Is there a "simpler" way to understand Project 2025? Yes, and it's in comic book form for the visually stimulated!! Cad is rannán Ceisteanna Coitianta ann? Is féidir rannán Ceisteanna Coitianta a úsáid chun ceisteanna coitianta fút féin nó faoi do ghnó a fhreagairt go tapa, mar “Cá háit a dtéann tú chuig?”, “Cad iad d’uaireanta oscailte?” nó “Conas is féidir liom seirbhís a chur in áirithe?” Is bealach iontach é chun cabhrú le daoine do shuíomh a nascleanúint agus fiú feabhas a chur ar Sinsearach do shuíomh. Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ? Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save. How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title? You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.

  • About | ktng860am

    Get to know us as we know the world through the world! This helps in making the Apprenticeship Program the key to investigative community news. Join us! KTNG.ORG Síntiúis     KTNG.Org is 501(c)3  neamhbhrabúis, Stáisiún Craolacháin na Meán Ealaíon comhlíontach GuideStar, i SAM Seiceáil sinn amach. Agus é sin ráite, táimid neamh-chomhréiteach maidir leis an méid a chuireamar amach. Ceol ó gach cearn den domhan, nuacht atá ar éigean a thochailt agus oideachas cultúrtha chun tuiscint, caoinfhulaingt agus baile d'fhís ealaíne nua a thabhairt níos gaire dúinn.Náisiún Súlúis Uilíoch - ionadaíocht! Zeitgeist , Abair rud éigin!Físghreamaithe - cuir do chuid scannán ar fáil do bhreis is 19 dtír!! WE"RE GROWING LIKE LODO        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           MARIJUANA!! !  ISTEACH!

  • Video Archive and Gear | ktng860am

    Here, we sell our Interviews, Company Mug, show videos and documentaries produced, T-shirts, books authored and ask for public donations to support universal community radio!! cartlanna físeáin KTNG.NETtv Tá stáisiún agat chun do chruthaitheacht amhairc a úsáid! Táimid tar éis é seo a dhéanamh mar mhúnla feithicle chun an óige "i mbaol" a mhúineadh, na féidearthachtaí a bhaineann le cur lena roghanna cruthaitheacha sna hEalaíona Meán. Rinneamar obair don RWJ Foundation, The Berlin Black Film Festival, Hollywood Weekly Magazine, Culture Vision TV agus bhaineamar 98% dár staidéar cúrsa ranga amach ag YouthBuild Compton. Contact us to bring the Apprenticeship Program and let        _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_spraoi tosaithe!  Compton YouthBuild Culture Vision          _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_                     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        TV! Go raibh maith agat FOR  ÉIST AGUS DO TACAÍOCHT . FOIREANN MARGAÍOCHTA NA MEÁN SÓISIALTA IDIRNÁISIÚNTA ALLSTARS MJ KRISS FM CALIBRATED WITH RECORDING  ARTIST " ALWAZ " _cc781905-5cde-31913-bb_35" ALWAZ IS ONE OF THE NEWEST MEMBER OF PRIME MOTIVATION AND HAS THE SAME  FOCUS AND VISION TO BE APART OF THIS ORGANIZATION.  _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ "TURN IT UP "    _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_  TABHAIR FAOI DEARA AGUS LEAS Í AR Facebook.  CRÍOSTA FM  Global Artist and Community         _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    Urraitheoirí_cc7181b_bad  of KTNG.Org "Is fearr an réabhlóid a bheith ag obair le chéile ná rialacha na comhréireachta idé-eolaíoch!"  Past - Present! Is fuath liom mo chomharsa! Go raibh maith agat! Teachtaireacht seolta. Seol ALWAZ Éagsúlacht san aois atá le teacht na Glan-Neodúlachta. Lá do Dhéagóirí is guth é sa Chomhphobal Domhanda .  Is branda léiriú nuachta pobail agus imeachtaí speisialta é TeenDay, that keeps_cc781903-93c-ceangailte-ceangailte againn Bígí linn le bheith inár n-urraitheoir clár ranníocach don phobal domhanda, goTÚ beidh lucht féachana níos mó ag teastáil!! * Déanaimid scagadh ar an bhfaisnéis go léir, mar earráid maidir lenár gcéad chearta leasaithe, maidir le the electronic broadcast de fhaisnéis nó íomhánna a chabhródh leis an KTNG08d_de chuid faisnéise nó íomhánna a chabhródh leis an KTNG05. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Urraíocht!! $50.00 in aghaidh na míosa Ciallaíonn , gan aon téarmaí conarthacha gur féidir leat fógraí urraíochta a bheith agat, a sheintear ar ardán meán neamhbhrabúis. Bainimid amach margaí náisiúnta agus domhanda 24/7, agus cabhraímid le d'fhógra urraitheora a tháirgeadh. Cuir branda do chuideachta chun cinn ar feadh bliana! Tá sé éasca, in-asbhainte cánach agus táimid comhlíontach trí GuideStar mar 501(c)3. Tá pacáistí 3 mhí, 6 mhí agus 1 bhliain againn ar fáil do gach buiséad gnó beag!!  Déan teagmháil le: Dan Pettrigrew @ Clárú Nua! Ag teacht Dé Sathairn ó 3p-4p beidh seó nua ó TeenDay,”Am Tae ". Seó pobalbhunaithe arna óstáil ag foireann deirfiúr-dheartháir Chonradh na Gaeilgean Chláir agusMax Donovan !! Taispeáin do thacaíocht nó seiceáil linn má tá smaoineamh cláir agat ar mhaith leat a léiriú dár lucht éisteachta méadaithe agus éagsúil. Tá do ghuthanna ag teastáil uainn. #ktng860r.n      PRO CARTLAINNE Fáilte go dtí ár "Cartlann na gClár!" Éist leis na hagallaimh a bhfuil téama acu le léargas, cumasú agus réitigh laethúla is féidir linn a aimsiú agus a ardú thuas! Ceannaigh agus roinn, bunchraoladh ó KTNG 860 am!

  • Re-Program | ktng860am

    KTNG inspires the global community to tell great stories and tune in for the best in underground music, news and discovery! ATH-CHLÁR ATH-CHLÁR ATH-CHLÁR CEOL CAINT IDIRNÁISIÚNTA CLUB SPITAHZ Hip-Hop Domhanda - 5 am - 10 am (MST) AN TAISPEÁIN MAIDIN KTNG!!  7am - 8am (MST)           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           3pm - 4i.n DOCZ AUDIO - NUACHT & DOICIMÉADACH 10r.n. - 11r.n. (mst)           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         4pm - 6pm TALK -N- SOUL    raidió ! Éist lenár liosta tacair agus bí mar chuid de ghluaiseacht dhomhanda! Bí mar sin do do phobal, ANOIS! Ríomhchlárú Tiomántáin Chiste KTNG.Org Buíochas le gach éinne a thug! Cabhraigh le Saoirse Cainte agus Tacaíochta a Chosaint! Bí i do bhall de KTNG.Org Go raibh maith agat as teacht !!! Do gach duine a tháinig isteach agus a tháinig isteach i da' convo - ar líne! Faigheann tú shout outs síoraí! Lean ort ag teacht tríd agus déan é seo do theach! Mise, su casa! Grásta! Maricela Segundo Maria Salsiri Brigette Larkins Carmen Hernandez Prionsa Malloy Johnny Cash Cash Ernest Franklin Franklin Kamala Mason An tOllamh Nigel Daring Laochra Saibhir Tina Hightower Trevor Thomas Waareid Ubuntu Mista iontach Covington Glenn Covington Joe Boruff Laoi Rivera Lucella Tasta Dr. Dwayne Proctor - Fondúireacht RWJ Ridire Joel Dupri Aria Vincent Dyablo Viedma Herrera Jason J Chill Walter Jenkins - Is cuimhin leis an Fear Hoo Walter Wiszowaty Walter Santucci Helen Jackson Jamie Manton Annette Terell Dolce Melody Orozco Jason Antaine Bear Pjdn Kru B. Heins Corcra Luc Ach Reyna Rivera Scott Woods Paul Martin (USMC - Ret) Nieves Fast Rina Cervantes Sergio Mirtzine Chris  Alastar Sullivan R. Wallker Sholamón Stephens Lyric L. Rey Angeli Marie Mone' Paul Watts Carraig Chearbhaill Rusty Hornz Ríce Hudson Doirel Séamas Daniel Vargas Benitez Hakan Aktun Darius Modzelewski Rodney Prez-Ny Bán Andy Sebastian de May Stephanie Rivas Marcáil Rough Sciála Kev Pláinéad Bobb Katerina Ksenyeva Yuka Matsuda Tanaguchi Luke Cage de Nasc Máithreachais Zin Urú Stefan Escoffery Juan Garcia - MAFIA gabhar!!! Harold Porter MC Prós Tom Bacon Aingeal Inifinit Galorza Flash TR Pettiford Súlúis Wamuyu Richard Clark - Black Pearl Ent. Adhmad Ricky Mamsait Ceasaigh El Benny Mike Jackson Angela Perez Gloria J. Anderson Bob Joshua Jay Webb Gibson saoirse Belle Joyce Stiùbhart Brenda-Eakins Perkins Xavier Villalobos - An tOllamh X - Díroghnaithe Shinohara Masato Deonna Berry Rio sciála Scratch Makumba GI Bltrn Frank Martinez Frank Yates Jose Luis Guzman Sionainn Smith Daniele de Angelia Mairteall Mac Fhionnlaoich Nina Henderson Steven Anthony Harris Sagar Ali Shah Isavel Guadalupe Ortiz Alvarado David Taylor Ero Tres Quetzal Isa Ras Kwame Launy Rhem Coretta Donn Sha Jackson BeatzRhymez mothúcháin Nead Celeste Aifreann Madra Mu of MassDogMusic Anki Boog Gaddy Dr. Dwayne Proctor An tOllamh Nigel Darring An Dr Kwaqu Lynn Cumann Lucht Tráchtála Latino - Compton Takugi Nakakoa Lúcás agus Mia Alexander Heidi Gardner Jamie Manton Dietzo Eto An Nat Saiko Malik Smith Banphrionsa Lanita Jones Jeff Shepard Kay Irrola Frank Mills Miranda Don Wu Ioslam na hAfraice Náisiún Súlúis Uilíoch Lonnie Rhem Hitz Taylor Ijola Fitts Jaquanna Mason & Teaghlaigh An Boss Kam Anthony Mason Greg Mason Bígí linn sa Convo! Sruthaithe Beo ar Facebook agus YouTube! Déan idirghníomhú agus trácht de réir mar a théann an seó ar aghaidh agus tabhair síntiús chun tacú le hiriseoireacht phobalbhunaithe agus le Printíseacht Ealaíon na Meán, don aos óg “i mbaol”! Go raibh maith agat agus Jah Beannaigh!

  • Interview Spotlightz | ktng860am

    A brand new entity on cultural interviews on the movers and shakers in the crafts of music and screen. We ask for donations if you'd like to air them for educational purposes. Get yours NOW! Interview Spotlightz!! Hosted by Jeff W. Jaggers II Welcome to Interview Soptlightz ! On this page, everyone interviewed has made more than a mark in history, but are iconic in the works they do. Either as industry heads or artist from international cultures, this is where you can learn certain caveats, not available on Wiki or Youtube. We only ask that you donate to our cause to record the candidly, that so many miss in context. Session 1 Date of Interview: 2/26/2024 Marvin Spruill is the defining legacy to country music, and it's origins from Africa. In his inaugural interview, he details how it was, is and how he became to be the Founder & Executive Producer of The Country Soul Music Awards. 3-7-2024 Session 2 Travelin' Matt Travelin' Matt is a not only DJ but an entrepreneur, artist, music producer and King of the Thailand Club scene! He has a very interesting and fun story to tell you, from the island of smiles! Get your interview, now!

  • Programming Parameters | ktng860am

    This is where the rubber meets the road, running! We not only program public music but Audio Doxz, Lectures and Essays that are historically based in all cultures. Tune in and learn something now before you're too old to learn at last. Weekdays from 10am - 6pm (MST)

  • OM7 Ani-Filmz | ktng860am

    Documentaries and CGI movies are made here for the world to see and support in black cinema. Support by donating to our efforts to level the playing field and encouraging community participation in the visual arts!! gailearaí ealaíne na meán & projects Ár Lógó: OM7 Ani-Filmz Tá sé BEO!!! ! Seo é an dearadh lógó nua don chomhlacht scannán. Beidh an teideal don tionscadal réidh agam i mbeagán focal. Ina dhiaidh sin - tá an scannán ar fad á léiriú agam! #Melanin4Omnitar Tar éis an script a athoibriú don scannán, tá sé ar fad ag teacht le chéile agus tá mé ar bís an scannán ar fad a tháirgeadh. Seolfar tuilleadh nuashonruithe ealaíne grafacha anseo, agus muid ag dul ar aghaidh leis an réaltra seo a dhéanamh!  Nílim ach ag iarraidh a chinntiú go bhfeicfidh tú rud éigin nach ndearnadh riamh cheana agus go spreagfaidh sé go leor den bheagán a gcuid aisling a chaitheamh chomh fada agus is féidir!

  • UZN 50th WORLD COUNCIL | ktng860am

    Universal Zulu Nation membership to the cultural council is available to all who practice the 5 elements of Hip Hop culture and to expand the knowledge base of Hip Hop, through its Legacy Holders. We are thankful for Afrika Islam's guidance for undertaking a huge process in getting new and old members a fresh look and community value system that supports all chapters, world wide!! Sign up, join and support NOW! UZN 50th World Council UZN 50th World Council Welcome to UZN 50th World Council. First, we thank and love you all!! Now that we have a site page for everything base on the first and only principle law that exist in Universal Zulu Nation: Love, Peace, Unity & Having Fun. Our mission is to further the legacy of UZN by its ability as a global community, unfractured. Elevate the collaborative efforts of promotion and maintain brand awareness of all members, fairly and just. Integrity is the corner stone of trust and that opens many niches of qualified opportunity for all. As a global effort, we only ask that you respect other artist and elemental masters of hip-hop, as a matter of being humane. Now for the fun stuff!! With the help of, unification on this platform is tantamount to having a safe place to grow our art and support one another intellectually, spiritually and improve creative levels of austerity. This will require networking, promotion and coordination of how to help artist with community functions, within the culture of hip-hop. This means, everybody that has an idea or project that needs nurturing within the process, must also know that associations like this, foster a greater means of family. In the coming months, we will establish a global network available to all members. There is no cost to join but chapter donations would be discrectional to fundraising efforts, by for facilitation. We don't ask for much but It's nice to the non-profit that that it is. Lastly, I want to thank Afrika Islam for extending his friendship and association of Universal Zulu Nation. With him, this phase for all chapters will have a blue print for sustainability, for many decades, on this; our Planet Rock. Blessings, and Peace to all. Bro-Be-Won Zenobi Membership Membership Join as a member or volunteer! Registration First Name Last Name Email Street Address Street Address Line 2 City Region/State/Province Postal / Zip code Country Next Donate Now Help us make a difference First Name Last Name Email Donate in the name of Thank You Reciept Thank you for your donation! Please take notice: The "Thank You Receipt is set at a min of $10. Anything less than that and PayPal will charge you $5 for processing and we don't sent out invoicing that low. Volunteer Network First Name Last Name Email How did you find out about us? Select an option Which days are you available? Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A few words about you Submit Application Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

  • Become a Supporter! | ktng860am

    Become a supporter of free speech meda by donating, contributing stories from the global community or simply buying a Station Tee at 25% off!! A E b c O M E $5.00 "Comharsa Mhaith" le haghaidh  Pobal    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf958-bb3b! ** I gcás cuideachtaí, daoine aonair nó organizations ar mian leo do  _cc781905-5cde-3193-6bb_bad_cde-3194-5cde-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-b_193-6bb_5184-5153-51394-5154-2000comhchineáil " donations, please          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_remit request and item(s)        _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_description to:                05-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Le haghaidh síntiús aonuaire de $ 5.00 , we give shout ups, weekly of everyone who helps in an comhrac in aghaidh na meáin chumarsáide falsa!          Thank you so much for caring ! Mar POF & Úinéir, bhuail mé le roinnt daoine deasa, le linn mo thurais. Tá mo scil agus cairdeas roinnte agam go hoscailte. Foghlaim ó máistrí fíor. Is breá leo siúd, bhí an-chúram agam. Trí na bronntanais spioraid seo a thabhairt ar aghaidh i gcreideamh, iarraimid é sin, as do chuid ranníocaíochtaí. Trí bheith i do bhall-shíntiúsóir, beidh do chuid cánach bliantúil inasbhainte  pledge of $100.00 cabhraíonn sé le dinimic chúrsa an Chláir Phrintíseachta a fheabhsú, ár gcláir dhomhanda-glúin riamh-554b-comhionann an abhcóideachta-cf-136bad5cf58d_cabhair chun feabhas a chur ar dhinimic chúrsa an Chláir Printíseachta , ceartas agus tuairisciú cothrom a léiríonn gach pobal. Go raibh míle maith agat! Beannaigh Jah. bí A KTNG.Org  BALL Bliantúil DO $ 100.00 ! 50% OFF BUY NOW Jeff Jaggers  POF/ÚINÉIR - KTNG.Org Nuair a éiríonn an duine faoi chois an leatrom, tá ceist ann maidir le bheith ina anchúinse rialaithe atá fíor nutty! Cóipscríobh 2014 501(c)3 MO IMEACHT MÓR This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate. More Info > Ná Bí A INCEL! Faigh an leabhar a stopann TÚ ó bheith DHÉANAMH!  Ar fáil do amháin $17.95 PATREON DISCOUNT  $12.95 Faigh do lámhaigh MUG! You seen the MUG and now it's YOURS as a  KTNG MORNING SHOW  Subscriber:_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ $20.00 PATRÚIN LASCADH $16.00 Déan d'ordú(s) nó síntiúis trí ! S&H san áireamh! Faigh do PATREON: Ná bheith ar an "Incel" - BE AN FEAR IS FÉIDIR, a thuiscint! Cliceáil ar an suíomh thíos agus faigh amach an rún

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